Sunday, 31 August 2014

Team Straining- 2 weeks of team training

So, after an awesome drive via Bloem and a roundabout drive to see Clarens, we made it to Cape Town on Sunday the 17th of August before starting our team training on the 18th. Staying in the Cory family household with my cousin Natalie. Cape Town is so beautiful, but man we did not realize how bad the traffic was, a trip that can take 15 mounts of of traffic took up to 1.5 hours if you left near 7 in the morning, what a rude awakening. On the 18th we walked into the Department of Environmental Affairs (DEA) office with baited breath as we were about to meet the seven people that we would be spending the next year with. We were first introduced to Dave (An ex islander who had been to Marion island twice before and who would be the Communications Engineer) and Werner (fellow birder who would be walking alongside Chris and myself). Later we met Max (diesel mechanic) and lastly Morgan, Tembi and Gerald (the three meteorologists who will be recording meteorological data and who are referred to as 'metcassies').

So it turns out the person who was meant to be our team leader and our medic took a job up in the Congo. These two weeks of training have been slightly stressful to say the least without having a leader and wondering when the final member of our team would show up. On the first day at the DEA we were introduced to several members of staff and lectured on various aspects of our trip. We were given the outline of our training schedule which included the following activities- dental check up, first aid course, team development, packing of the containers, fire fighting course and a cooking course. In summary, the first aid course was a complete joke, we didn't even have to write a test, the team development was okay, packing of the containers could not be completed because some of our gear was not issued, we didn't even put out one fire in the fire course, but, the cooking course was actually really fun and quite enlightening.

In these two weeks that our team has worked together, things seem to be going okay. The team leader who is meant to be hired months in advance has the responsibility of designing a team logo and finding sponsors to get shirts and buffs made for the team. Chris whipped up an awesome design and we were fortunate enough to work with companies who could process our order before the ship sails on the 4th of September. We have already received our awesome Evris (buffs) made by Evriwear, and our shirts and badges are arriving early next week.

So with team training done, Chris and I are using the last few days in Cape Town to just be tourists. For those of you who are interested in our journey abroad the SA Agulhas II to Gough, the whereabouts of the ship can be followed on and We are going via Tristan da Cunha and will probably arrive on Gough on the 13th of September.

Here are some pics from our two weeks of training.....

 Our first sighting of the SA Agulhas II

 Werner administering a head to toe check up on the Chaplin with David and Tembi watching,

Chris with an injured collarbone
Me with an injured upper arm

Packing our things into the container.

Our Evri (buff) design.

How much is enough?

Getting issued our gear

Making pizza from scratch


The team's cooking effort.

The team. From right - Morgan, Gerald, Werner, Xoliswa(chef), Thembile, Robert (chaplin), Michelle, Chris. Dave and Max were absent

Thanks for reading

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Hanging from ropes...

Feeling the effects of Gravity...

Gravity being the name of our rope access training facility. We need to know how to use ropes to safely negotiate the island's steep topography. This course was our first experience of rope access in any sense and we felt a little overwhelmed after a whistle stop first day. Luckily we had some experienced rope access technicians redoing the course (this qualification expires after 3 years) with us, helping us realise it's not as technical as it initially seems.

It was a week of meticulously practising rope access manoeuvres repeatedly, while constantly being patronised by our instructor about failing course if we make one wrong move in the assessment. By the end we were relieved to emerge as NQF level 1 rope access technicians ready to conquer Gough!

Michelle being the only girl doing the course, definitely kept up with (if not out did)  the boys.

Aiding, my least favourite manoeuvres.

                                                                                     Thanks for reading